Home > Designing, Others > Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts 

Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts 

Safari 13.1 just shipped support for CSS Shadow Parts. That means the ::part() selector is now supported in Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, and Firefox. We’ll see why it’s useful, but first a recap on shadow DOM encapsulation…

The benefits of shadow DOM encapsulation

I work at giffgaff where we have a wide variety of CSS code that has been written by many different people in many different ways over the years. Let’s consider how this might be problematic.

Naming collisions

Naming collisions between classes can easily crop up in CSS. One developer might create a class name like .price. Another developer (or even the same one) might use the same class name, without knowing it.

CSS won’t alert you to any error here. Now, any HTML elements with this class will receive the styling intended for two completely different things.

Shadow DOM fixes this problem. CSS-in-JS libraries, like Emotion and styled-components, also solve this issue in a different way by generating random class names, like .bwzfXH. That certainly does help avoid conflicts! However, CSS-in-JS doesn’t prevent anybody from breaking your component in other ways. For example…

Base styles and CSS resets

Styles can be applied using HTML element selectors like

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