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A Deep Dive on Skipping to Content

An open dialog with a UI for viewing different types of content on the page in a screen reader, including links, headings, form fields, buttons, and landmarks. Landmarks is selected and there are no results in the window.

While most people browsing the web on a computer use a mouse, many rely on their keyboard instead. Theoretically, using a web page with the keyboard should not be a problem — press the TAB key to move the keyboard focus from one focusable element to the next then press ENTER to activate, easy! However, many (if not most) websites tend to have a menu of links at the top of the page, and it can sometimes take a lot of presses to get to the content that you want. Take the homepage of 20min for example, one of the biggest news sites here in Switzerland. You want to read the top story? That’ll be the best part of 40 key presses — not the best best use of anyone’s time.

So, if you want keyboard users to actually use your website rather than getting bored and going somewhere else, you need to do a bit of work behind the scenes to make skipping straight to your main content quicker and easier. You can find all sorts of techniques for this scattered across the web (including here at CSS-Tricks) but most are missing a trick or two and many recommend using outdated or deprecated code. So, in this article, I’m going to take a deep dive into skipping to content and cover everything in a 2021-friendly fashion.

Two types of keyboard users

Although there are numerous differences in the exact type of keyboard or equivalent switch device that people use to navigate, from a coding point of view, we only need to consider two groups:

  • People who use the keyboard in conjunction with a screen reader — like NVDA or JAWS on a PC, or VoiceOver on a Mac — that reads the content of the screen out loud. These devices are often used by people with more severe visual impairments.
  • All other keyboard users.

Our skip-to-content techniques need to cater to both these groups while not getting in the way of all the mouse users. We will use two complementary techniques to get the best result: landmarks and skip links.

Look at a basic example

I created an example website I’m calling Style Magic to illustrate the techniques we’re covering. We’ll start off with it in a state that works fine for a mouse user but is a bit of a pain for those using a keyboard. You can find the base site and the versions for each of the techniques in this collection over at CodePen and, because testing keyboard navigation is a little tricky on CodePen, you can also find standalone versions here.

CodePen Embed Fallback

Try using the TAB key to navigate this example. (It’s easier on the standalone page; TAB to move from one link to the next, and SHIFT+TAB to go backwards.) You will find that it’s not too bad, but only because there aren’t many menu items.

If you have the time and are on Windows then as I’d also encourage you to download a free copy of the NVDA screen reader and try all the examples with that too, referring to WebAIM’s overview for usage. Most of you on a Mac already have the VoiceOver screen reader available and WebAIM has a great intro to using it as well.

Adding landmarks

One of the things that screen reading software can do is display a list of landmarks that they find on a web page. Landmarks represent significant areas of a page, and the user can pull up that list and then jump straight to one of those landmarks.

If you are using NVDA with a full keyboard, you hit INS+F7 to bring up the “Elements List” then ALT+d to show the landmarks. (You can find a similar list on VoiceOver by using the Web Item Rotor.) If you do that on example site, though, you will only be presented with an unhelpful empty list.

A disappointingly empty list of landmarks in NVDA

Let’s fix that first.

Adding landmarks is incredibly easy and, if you are using HTML5, you might already have them on your website without realizing it, as they are directly linked to the HTML5 semantic elements (

, ,

, and so on).

Here’s a before and after of the HTML used to generate the header section of the site:

<div class="bg-dark">
  <div class="content-width flex-container">
    <div class="branding"><a href="#">Style Magic</a></div>
    <div class="menu-right with-branding">
      <a href="#">Home</a>
      <!-- etc. -->


<div class="bg-dark">
 <header class="content-width flex-container">    
    <section class="branding"><a href="#">Style Magic</a></section>
    <nav aria-label="Main menu" class="menu-right with-branding">
      <a href="#">Home</a>
      <!-- etc. -->

The classes used remain the same, so we don’t need to make any changes at all to the CSS.

Here’s a full list of the changes we need to make in our example site:

  • The
    denoting the header at the top of the page is now a

  • The
    containing the branding is now a

  • The two
    s containing menus have been replaced with

  • The two new
  • The
    containing the main content of the page is now a element.
  • The
    denoting the footer at the bottom of the page is now a

You can see the full updated HTML on CodePen.

Let’s try that landmark list trick in NVDA again (INS+F7 then ALT+d — here’s the link to the standalone page so you can test yourself):

Open screen reader dialog window showing the landmarks on the current page, including "banner," "main," and "content info."
Hurrah for landmarks!

Great! We now have the banner landmark (mapped to the

element), Main menu; navigation (mapped to the top

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