Home > Designing, Others > Care for the Text

Care for the Text

December 24th, 2021 Leave a comment Go to comments

How do you make a great website? Everyone has an answer at the ready: Flashy animations! The latest punk-rock CSS trick! Gradients! Illustrations! Colors to pack a punch! Vite! And, sure, all these things might make a website better. But no matter how fancy the application is or how dazzling the technology will ever be under the hood, a great website will always require great text.

So, whenever I’m stuck pondering the question: “how do I make this website better?” I know the answer is always this:

care for the text.

Without great writing, a website is harder to read, extremely difficult to navigate, and impossible to remember. Without great writing, it’s hardly a website at all. But it’s tough to remember this day in and day out—especially when it’s not our job to care about the text—yet each and every

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