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A New Look for BlogHash

Over the last couple of weeks I had been busy working on a new template for BlogHash and finally it’s ready. If you are reading this post from your RSS reader, visit the home page once and take a look at the new theme of Bloghash.
A New Look for BlogHash


Why did I do it myself?

In the last few months I have contacted at least 5-6 WordPress theme designers but none of them seems to have had any interest in designing a theme for my site; no one replied to my email. Hence, I took it upon myself to design a theme for my blog site. I knew it wouldn’t be easy but then I wanted to learn.

Thank you for the inspiration

First it was John Chow, then Problogger and Keith also got a new design. When they got a new theme loaded up, it was perhaps the last spark needed to start the fire in my mind; I wanted a new one too!

The components of my theme

Before even I started with the design plan, I visited at least over 100 different blogs, thanks to the great list of WP designs on SmashingMagazine, and made a note of the different features on each of those blogs. Most of them had common set of things on their home page and almost everyone’s single view pages were left aligned with one sidebar on right. I wanted to design something different.

The new home page shows excerpts of most recent posts, on the right there are two sidebars showing some of the most visited posts under various categories. This helps in flow of page rank to those pages from the home page.

The single post view has one sidebar on either side. The one on the left is to show ads while the one on the right is to show related popular posts which I am still working on. I intend to show the most relevant post depending on the category of the post viewed.

Please give me feedback

Please spend a few minutes browsing the new theme on my blog and provide me with your valuable suggestions and feedback. Do let me know if you have any tips to help me improve my blog’s design.

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