
Archive for April, 2017

20 Creative Login Form Examples For Your Inspiration

April 3rd, 2017 No comments

We see login forms everywhere on the web these days. Do you use social media networks? Do you send emails? Do you buy things online? All of these processes require a signup form of some kind. The login form design defines the nature of a website, it’s goals and style.

A high-quality website login form usually encourages a user to become a member, subscriber, or a client. Thus, it is critically important to make it look amazing. Crafting a creative and successful login form requires a lot of time and effort from one or more designers. Today, I’ll be showing you a beautiful showcase of creative login form examples that I have collected from websites all over the web.

Mynd – The future of property

Register and Login


Sign Up for form creation


Simple Login Form


Login/Registration form


Sign In & Sign Up Form


Day 001 – Login Form


CubeCMS – sign in screen


Nova Poshta


Hello World Login & Registration Form


Easy Notes Sign Up Form


Deep Sea SignUp


Sign Up


Login form


Sign Up and Login


Sign in / Sign up form




Sign Up


Login page interaction


Day 001 – Login Form


We think these login form examples are absolutely stunning. Some are very detailed, and some are very minimalistic. No matter what your style is, make sure you’re pleasing your crowd. Think I missed some of the best login examples? Share some of your favorite examples in the comments below! Til next time, keep on keepin’ on.

Read More at 20 Creative Login Form Examples For Your Inspiration

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How To Make Guides (Collections of Content) in WordPress

April 3rd, 2017 No comments

A blog post can be anything you want. You could easily write one that links up a bunch of articles on your site. Titles, summaries, links… all hand-crafted HTML. A “guide”, as it were. It will likely be appreciated by your readers, I find, especially when you’re linking up old evergreen content that is still relevant and useful today.

But let’s say you want to programmatically create these “guides”. That might make them faster to create, easier to maintain, and give you a nice level of control over them. Let’s look at a way to do that.

Guides on CSS-Tricks

I’m writing about this because guides are something we’ve just started to do here on CSS-Tricks. For example, I wanted to make a guide of our content that is well suited for folks just starting out, so I made Our Guide To Just Starting Out with CSS & HTML.

That wasn’t built by hand, it was built by programmatically attaching a variety of content to a Custom Post Type we created just for Guides.

Programmatically Attaching Posts to Posts

You know how you can put images into blog posts? But in WordPress, there is also a concept of a featured image, which is one specific programmatically attached image for that post.

That image is programatically attached to this Post.

Enabling that feature in WordPress is like:

add_theme_support('post-thumbnails', array('post', 'page', 'whatever'));

But we’re talking associating Posts with Posts not Images to Posts. There is no built-in WordPress way of doing that, so we’ll reach for plugins.

CMB2 and Friends

CMB2 (i.e. the second version of “Custom Meta Boxes”) is a free, open source plugin for adding better UI and functionality around custom fields. If you’re familiar with Advanced Custom Fields, it’s a bit like that, only I guess entirely free and a bit more modular.

With that installed, now you can install (I guess we’ll call them sub-plugins?) that make CMB2 do stuff. The one we’re after is CMB2 Attached Posts Field which has the explicit job of attaching Posts to Posts (or really, post type to any post type).

It gives you this two-column UI on post types you activate it for:

Move anything from the left to right, and it’s now programatically attached. This is exactly what we’re after. Now we can hand select, and hand order, any type of post to attach to any other.

Configuring Things

Before you get to the UI you can see above, you not only need to install and activate those two plugins, but also tell CMB2 to create the custom meta boxes and apply them to the types of posts you want.

In our case, our Guides are a custom post type. That’s easy enough to enable:

register_post_type( 'guides',
    'labels'        => array(
      'name'          => __( 'Guides' ),
      'singular_name' => __( 'Guide' ),
      'add_new'       => __( 'Add Guide' ),
      'add_new_item'  => __( 'Add New Guide' ),
      'edit_item'     => __( 'Edit Guide' ),
    'public'      => true,
    'has_archive' => true,
    'rewrite'     => array( 'slug' => 'guides' ),
    'supports'    => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt' )

Then we apply this new custom meta box only to that custom post type (so we don’t have to see it everywhere):

$cmb = new_cmb2_box( array(
  'id'            => 'guide_metabox',
  'title'         => __( 'The Guide Metabox', 'cmb2' ),
  'object_types'  => array( 'guides', ), // Post type
  'context'       => 'normal',
  'priority'      => 'high',
  'show_names'    => true, // Show field names on the left
  // 'cmb_styles' => false, // false to disable the CMB stylesheet
  // 'closed'     => true, // Keep the metabox closed by default
) );

// Regular text field
$cmb->add_field( array(
  'name'       => __( 'Things for the Guide', 'cmb2' ),
  'id'         => 'attached_cmb2_attached_posts',
  'type'       => 'custom_attached_posts',
  'show_on_cb' => 'cmb2_hide_if_no_cats',
  'options' => array(
    'show_thumbnails' => true, // Show thumbnails on the left
    'filter_boxes'    => true, // Show a text box for filtering the results
    'query_args'      => array(
      // 'posts_per_page' => 2,
      'post_type' => array('post', 'page')
    ), // override the get_posts args
) );

We nestle all this code nicely into a functionality plugin, rather than a `functions.php` file, so that changing themes has no bearing on this content.

A Template for Guides

Now that a custom post type exists for our guides, adding a file called `single-guides.php` into our active theme is enough to make that the file that renders for like `/guide/example/`.

In that file, we do whatever normal template-y stuff we’d do on any other template file (e.g. `page.php`, but also loop through all these posts we’ve attached!


  $attached = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'attached_cmb2_attached_posts', true);

  foreach ($attached as $attached_post) {
    $post = get_post($attached_post); ?>

  <?php include("parts/article-card.php"); ?>

<?php } ?>

All in all, not that much to it!

It feels great to have some kind of mechanism for surfacing evergreen content like this. That can be quite a challenge for sites with a huge amount of content!

High five to Rebekah Monson, whom I ripped this idea off of, who uses this to build guides on The New Tropic, like these neighborhood guides.

How To Make Guides (Collections of Content) in WordPress is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Essential Design Trends, April 2017

April 3rd, 2017 No comments

It’s all about geometry. The trend is design right now centers around interesting shapes and layers that combine to create stunning visuals.

While there have been periods where squares or circles were the shape of choice, that has shifted to more interesting asymmetrical shapes, lesser used elements such as diamonds and layering of shapes of all kids. Here’s what’s trending in design this month:

1. Diamonds

The simple diamond shape that you drew in elementary school is popping up in plenty of designs. From use as a container for photos to an outline for visual emphasis to the dominant part of a photograph, the shape has plenty of flexibility.

And it simple.

This style is no more than a square turned on its side. The sharp lines make for interesting reference points in the design and can add an element of motion or direction that doesn’t exist otherwise. The diamond stands out in these designs because it is so different.

While the shape can be used in a number of ways, it can be somewhat tricky. As a photo frame, you’ll lose parts of an image on all four corners, so you’ll need images that have more of a center focal point so that the meaning is not lost. The layering of diamond-shaped photos in the Hannington Estate design does an excellent job of this. The user doesn’t feel like anything is missing from the images.

As a border or visual element, the diamond shape can serve as a place to draw the eye. Linstant Unique does this by putting the text call to action inside a diamond frame. It’s more visually interesting than just putting the text on the image alone and draws the eye into the image.

Finally, Solicitor Surry takes a totally different approach and uses a diamond shape in an image to add interest. A clock might not be that visually appealing on its own, but the shape helps draw users in to the image.

2. Asymmetrical Geometry

This might be one of the best trends to pop up in a while: asymmetrical shapes in design projects.

Nothing gets more boring over time that a bunch of perfectly symmetrical designs. This trend can help anyone break out of that rut with interesting shapes that immediately make you rethink balance.

Asymmetrical shapes are a good tool because they are so interesting and unexpected. They provide directional emphasis – note how the top left corner of the shape used in the Ghafari website leads you to the branding, and then down the page with extra white space.

The biggest challenge with asymmetrical shapes is how to deal with the white or trapped spaces that they can sometimes create. (You’ll have to get creative there, but the examples below make it look easy.) The other challenge can be ensuring that the asymmetrical design still has balance. You’ll need to play with the weights of elements – and maybe use heavier typefaces to offset the bulk that an asymmetrical shape can carry.

When starting with an asymmetrical shape design, keep the concept simple. The funky shape is your design trick in this case. Opt for shapes with color to balance a white background or layer shapes with images for a more Material Design-inspired look. Another option is to experiment with 3D shapes, such as One Year in Review.

No matter what option you choose, asymmetry is a definite eye-catcher. It creates a fun, funkier first impression and helps users dive deeper into the overall design. Use it for websites that are less formal and that push the envelope somewhat with style and content.

3. Layering

Layering various shapes adds extra dimension to almost any design project. More tactical design patterns have made this technique more popular and combining shapes in various layers is an easy way to start.

The examples below show three different ways to do it.

  • Chrissen Rajathurai’s portfolio layers simple rectangles over a blurred, oversized background to bring focus and emphasis to each individual portfolio item and link. The layered effect is classic and stunning. Users want to keep moving through the design to see what other images come up next.
  • Cantina Roeno layers images on an illustrated background below the scroll. The movement from the hero video homepage to phot layers makes the user slow down and look at the content on the screen. While the video is fast-paced and design for quick viewing the layered images – with interesting vertical orientation – background and text help users pause and take in the story of the winery.
  • Atlis takes a totally different approach. The design uses two geometric trends – layering in a very Material Design style – and asymmetry with a box that twists and turns in to more trapezoidal forms with hover actions. The design is so simple that you can’t help but look at it. It’s also quite complex with the stretchy movement of the “Can Atlis help?” box. Keep scrolling and even more shapes with varying degrees of asymmetry pop onto the screen. This deceivingly complex site design is a lot of fun to play with.


When planning your next project, think geometry! How can you use simple shapes in new and interesting ways to encourage engagement and give users something different to look at in the process. There are a lot of different ways to use geometry in design projects, pair shapes with interesting animation, color or imagery to create a design that showcases your content.

And have fun. Geometric patterns have a lighter, less formal feel than some other design concepts. Use that to your advantage when using these techniques.

What trends are you loving (or hating) right now? I’d love to see some of the websites that you are fascinated with. Drop me a link on Twitter; I’d love to hear from you.

The Complete Vector Blueprint Kit from The Artifex Forge – only $9!


Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers

April 3rd, 2017 No comments

Web applications, be they thin websites or thick single-page apps, are notorious targets for cyber-attacks. In 2016, approximately 40% of data breaches originated from attacks on web apps — the leading attack pattern. Indeed, these days, understanding cyber-security is not a luxury but rather a necessity for web developers, especially for developers who build consumer-facing applications.

HTTP response headers can be leveraged to tighten up the security of web apps, typically just by adding a few lines of code. In this article, we’ll show how web developers can use HTTP headers to build secure apps. While the code examples are for Node.js, setting HTTP response headers is supported across all major server-side-rendering platforms and is typically simple to set up.

The post How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers appeared first on Smashing Magazine.

Categories: Others Tags:

Visual Center Finds Your Image’s Inner Center

April 3rd, 2017 No comments

Ommmm. Don’t worry, this tool is not esoteric. If you show it your images, it tells you the respective location of their visual center. This allows for more harmonious presentations.

Javier Bórquez from Guadalajara, Mexico, is a software developer with a thing for design. He feels most comfortable when he’s able to combine the two, like he did with his newest project “Visual Center”.

Visual Center, Fast and Simple

“Visual Center” is a web app that shows you the visual center of your pictures. To do so, upload an image to the service. The app takes care of the rest. Immediately after the upload, you’ll see two versions of the uploaded image.

On the left, the photo or logo that you uploaded is centered in the middle of a container. On the right, the photo is placed in the same container, but aligned in a way that makes it visually centered. Usually, this alignment is different from the one in the left area.

“Visual Center” slightly changes the photo’s position both vertically, and horizontally. In my tests, the values were never really high, but it did always change them by about five to ten percent.

Visual Center: No Major Changes, But Essential in Detail. (Screenshot: Noupe)

Instead of a rectangular container, you can also choose a round one, making some logos easier to judge. The display of lines for the horizontal and vertical center can be turned off if necessary.

Visual Center, Plugin Version Soon

According to Javier, he’s already working on plugins for Sketch and Illustrator. If you want to be one of the first to be notified once they are available, you should sign up for his email newsletter. Javier promises to only use your address for his own purposes, and not to sell your data.

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The Path to Autonomous Customers: Trends and Tasks of the Customer Service

April 3rd, 2017 No comments
The Path to Autonomous Customers. Trends and Tasks of the Customer Service.

What determines a good web shop? Of course, high sales figures. What determines a really successful web store? High resale numbers from frequently returning buyers. However, this requires you to do some groundwork to get the (potential) customers to order something, let alone order repeatedly.

The reasons for canceled purchase processes are varied, but can definitely be removed when the customer’s wishes are truly being listened to. This is the one side of the coin. The other side is labeled customer loyalty and doesn’t require any less empathy and effort.

Factors of Success

Knowledge of the factors that may not guarantee the desired success, but still make it more likely, is the basis for the optimization of an online shop. Those that expose themselves to this topic – like the E-Commerce Center Cologne in its study “E-Commerce Success Factors. Germany’s Top-Online-Shops Vol. 4” (PDF in German) –, will quickly realize that the customer expectations are rather high.

In order to end up with a satisfied customer at the end of the purchase process, an extensive product range is not the only guarantee of success, and a perfectly designed landing page doesn’t do the job on its own either. Both are partial aspects that need the support of other factors. Only the coherent and smooth interaction of all individual components allows the shop to work as a whole. Pieces of the puzzle that is supposed to turn into customer satisfaction are the following:

  • the design of the website
  • the product range
  • the cost-benefit ratio
  • the shipping and delivery
  • payment and checkout
  • the usability
  • the service

In fact, the availability of different payment methods is one of the most common reasons for premature cancellation of a virtual shopping spree. Even if this is not the case, it leads to paradoxical phenomena: people pay via prepayment even though they would have preferred different types of payment (which usually is the payment via bill after receiving the product). This can be roughly summarized under the term of comfort, which is a major reason to shop on digital channels in the first place.

Trust is another factor of success, simply because it plays a major part in many of the named aspects. Reliability is expected when it comes to payment, costs, and delivery, as well as in everything that’s related to the page navigation. Customers that buy online want to be able to rely on receiving correct information for the searched products, or to even find them in the first place.

However, all of these are known factors that are pretty much defined as standard. I don’t think anyone would dispute the significance of a good, professionally designed first impression, or the fact that said impression is not enough on its own. What’s the point of a convincing first impression if it’s not solidified in the following experience? Still, the question on how the path from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty can be taken remains.

The Autonomous Customer

One of the results of ECC Cologne’s studies is the realization that the consumer always needs to have the right to freely decide how to access information, and where he ends up buying. In return, this means that the online shop should be prepared for a variety of different customer wishes, offering the largest possible range of options. This does not only include the previously addressed areas like shipping options, or the composition of theme worlds with according outfit suggestions.

Primarily, this is about customer service – and not only in the sense of an easy, comfortable shopping experience but also in the sense of supervision that goes beyond that. Even here, there are features that are bon ton, especially in larger shops. Using the product information to provide the customers with content is both a reason to stick around longer on the first visit and, even more importantly, a reason to return for another go in the first place.

Aside from content, customer support, in general, is always an important topic. Under certain circumstances, this is a broad field, as working on it begins with the optimization of shop pages for mobile users, but includes the entirety of support options that can, and should be provided to customers.

The Customer is On His Own – and Socially Networked

Surveys of Detecon International in cooperation with the Munich Business School have found out that bad customer service definitely is a reason for the cancellation of a business relationship. Hence, support should not be separated from customer satisfaction, and the service is of very high importance for the same reason.

The Path to Autonomous Customers. Trends and Tasks of the Customer Service.

Moreover, in a market environment where everyone deals with the optimization of their online presence for the purpose of mere advertisement, a really good service is even more important, since it works as a differentiating factor to competitors. This is often referred to as the company’s business card, and the proper realization is as challenging as the principle is clear.

The field between the satisfaction of the customer and the competitiveness is only one of the challenges that businesses have to expose themselves to. There are additional developments to keep in mind:

Self Services Promote Automation

However, there’s another trend before automation that almost can’t be called a trend anymore, because it turned into the norm: customers act more autonomously, a result of the continuous digitalization. The increasing level of networking and mobile communication also increases the urge to be able to freely decide when service offers will be taken. Here, the factor of time plays a role, but the “how” is just as important.

Customer Service Goes Social Media

Social media is pretty much indispensable as a channel of communication in our everyday life. Most likely, there is no other medium that can reflect the daily life as extensively and as detailed as social media. In consequence, this means that customer service also won’t be able to avoid this channel. After all, this is a vivid opportunity to take care of client contact.

The Evolution of Customer Service

What do the current types of client contact look like? The previously addressed self-services are the starting point for an automatic supply of information that basically picks up the client before the actual approach. They are advantageous for both sides, as the business saves costs because no staff needs to be put on to answer questions, and the customers save frustration, as nobody is available for these answers.

For these reasons, FAQ is a cross-branch classic, as many questions are replied to in advance, without the customer being reliant on support. However, the options of this support are limited, as “frequently asked questions” does not equal “all questions,” and to guarantee customer satisfaction, the provision of extensive help offers as an addition to the FAQ is almost compulsory. By the way, this also applies to the general design and availability.

The Path to Autonomous Customers. Trends and Tasks of the Customer Service.

This means, the support for clients has to be easy to find, and even if that is guaranteed, there can be disrupting factors regarding the clarity (general extent, used fonts, basic structure). Not to mention the validity and actuality of the provided information. Thus, it is even more important to assume the client’s perspective here. However, this is the only really relevant instruction regarding service offers as it is.

On this level – even if it is expanded by audiovisual elements like videos, podcasts, or language portals, and shaped even more interactively -, the communication remains a one-to-one, meaning that it limits itself to the exchange between one business and its customers. This is still legitimate, but in the future, this focus will shift towards a many-to-many communication.

This has the advantage that the exchange of information in social media is conducted this way already. Especially for the contact with younger target audiences, this has a lot of potential. An interactive service platform is not only able to reach a lot more people overall, but it is also able to use that knowledge to collect information. The task of the company is to make the provided platforms well-known while feeding them with information, and available service applications (podcasts were mentioned above, another option would be special wikis etc.), and, above all else, to keep them up to date.

Targets and Target Groups

As fertile these measures for client satisfaction may be, keeping this condition up, in the long run, requires you to constantly question its effectiveness and adequacy. Primarily, this means being even more exact with client wishes and realizing them in respective services even more precisely. That’s the only way to generate long-term economic success – saving costs via targeted customer service, more turnover due to improved rebuy rate – from your customer satisfaction efforts.

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Popular design news of the week: March 27, 2017 – April 2, 2017

April 2nd, 2017 No comments

Every week users submit a lot of interesting stuff on our sister site Webdesigner News, highlighting great content from around the web that can be of interest to web designers.

The best way to keep track of all the great stories and news being posted is simply to check out the Webdesigner News site, however, in case you missed some here’s a quick and useful compilation of the most popular designer news that we curated from the past week.

Note that this is only a very small selection of the links that were posted, so don’t miss out and subscribe to our newsletter and follow the site daily for all the news.

Sidebars in UI Design

Directus – Beautiful CMS and API

Best Practices for Website Header Design

Responsive Design: Stop Using Device Breakpoints

The Hidden Breakthrough in Apple’s New Video App

Why I Stopped Using Multiple Monitors

Photoshop for Web Design: 20 Pro Tips

Blockchain Design Principles

10 of the Best New Graphic Design Tools for March

12 Extremely Useful Hacks for JavaScript

For Web Developers, Speed is the New SEO

Keyshape – Create Animations for the Web

25 Websites that Rock a Brutalist Design

The 10 Commandments of Photoshop Etiquette

I Built a Bot to Apply to Thousands of Jobs at Once– Here’s What I Learned

Deep Learning AI that Knows Color Theory

How TV Opening Titles Got to Be so Damn Good

The 20 Best Wireframe Tools

Practical CSS Grid: Adding Grid to an Existing Design

5 SaaS Web Design Trends in 2017

10 Inspiring UX Design Portfolios

Google Open Source – All of Googles Open Source Projects Under a Single Umbrella

First Mockup of TweetDeck Pro

This Smartphone has a Radical Mission: To Be Used Less

Gamification in UX: Increasing User Engagement

Want more? No problem! Keep track of top design news from around the web with Webdesigner News.

LAST DAY: 8 Vintage Professional Display Fonts and Shapes – only $15!


Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

`matrix3d()` for a Frame-Perfect Custom Scrollbar

April 1st, 2017 No comments

Das Surma:

In this article we will leverage some unconventional CSS matrices to build a custom scroller that doesn’t require any JavaScript while scrolling, just some setup code.

If turning a scrollbar into a Nyan cat with near-perfect functionality isn’t a CSS trick, I don’t know what is.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

`matrix3d()` for a Frame-Perfect Custom Scrollbar is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:


April 1st, 2017 No comments

Dave and I did a ShopTalk Show all about VR the other week. Then, as Dave does, he went off and used A-Frame to build a game: ShopTalk Show: What-A-Host! Between this and playing around with Tilt Brush at Sarah’s the other week, I’m thisclose to getting a headset.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

Whack-A-Host is a post from CSS-Tricks

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Will Client AI Redefine the Design Industry?

April 1st, 2017 No comments

The artificial intelligence (AI) industry is undergoing unprecedented growth. AI development is finding its way into all areas of business and, increasingly, into creative endeavors. Despite the obvious difficulties, Canva, The Grid, and Autodesk have all tried to market AI design algorithms, with varying degrees of failure. Adobe is understood to be working on AI enhancements to its Creative Cloud product range. Eventually, someone will arrive at a mathematical formula that approximates the creative process.

Until recently, the emphasis of AI design has been on substituting an algorithm for a designer. Now, for the first time, a startup in Adelaide, Australia, is bringing to market an AI client.

Brigmore Technologies‘ “Garvey” project is the culmination of 12 years’ research that began as a simple brief writing application and evolved into what is potentially an industry redefining service.

Project Garvey

Project Garvey is an AI client designed to replace human clients in the design process. It works by scanning popular submissions on portfolio sites, including Dribbble, Behance, and DeviantArt— the team behind Garvey hopes that it will eventually have built a large enough dataset to scan its own records; from which it attempts to extrapolate a brief that could have prompted the work.

Think of it as a game of design Jeopardy.

For years designers have been validating decisions based on split testing; determining whether to use a green button or a red button based on the response each version gets. It’s a natural extension for an AI client to write a brief based on the parameters it finds elsewhere.

Once a brief is prepared, Garvey acquires designers by auto-submitting the project to major freelancing sites, like 99designs, fiverr, and freelancer. By version 1.3 of the AI client (the current version is 1.0.11) the team plans to have integrated a cold-contact chatbot, to enable Garvey to solicit work from designers and agencies directly.

Once commissioned, the designer can expect regular feedback from Garvey. At least once per day, the designer will receive a “How’s it going?” email or SMS—early trials with both Slack and Skype found designers easily identified Garvey as an AI when the conversation was too rapid.

To obfuscate the chatbot’s identity, and to ensure designers receive a full range of feedback, Garvey will adopt the identity of numerous fictional staff members. The CEO might chip in, as might the head of sales. As an added touch of realism, the opinions, and instructions from the “staff” will often be contradictory.

The Granddaughter Algorithm

According to Brigmore’s CTO Tom Mewling, the most challenging aspect of developing Garvey has been building the intelligence engine that responds critically to designs. The subjective, decision making algorithm of Garvey has been nicknamed “Granddaughter”, or GD for short. “If GD doesn’t like a design, then Garvey won’t sign-off,” explains Mewling.

The team set out to build in a degree of craziness into the GD algorithm, in order to emulate the nightmare clients we’ve all had, but it turns out that craziness was inherent: AI isn’t bound by the rules that humans don’t realise they’re following, meaning Garvey’s logic doesn’t always match a human’s, consequently Garvey is capable of some bat-shit craziness.

Whether Garvey’s more eccentric requests will make it past GD is another matter: “We’ve had instances in private beta, when Garvey explicitly demands a feature, the designer delivers, and then GD vetoes it ahead of the final sign-off,” says Mewling.

Each brief is a living, iterative process. As a designer delivers revisions, so the AI client adapts the brief.

Each brief is a living, iterative process. As a designer delivers revisions, so the AI client adapts the brief. Garvey has built into its logic an entitlement to unlimited revisions; in over 2,440 beta tests, no designer ever reached final sign-off.

There are legal ramifications to this issue: In the EU, new data protection rules the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) come into effect in 2018. GDPR means that within Europe, decisions cannot be based on data processing alone; the same protection does not exist in the US, Canada, Australia, or by 2019, in the UK.

Fixing the Client Problem

The ultimate goal of the Garvey project is to bring clients inline with the needs of designers. “Designers know far better than clients what gets comments on Dribbble, or is most likely to be nominated for an Awwward SOTD,” explains Mewling. “By removing human clients from the design process and replacing them with AI, we give designers the freedom they badly need. If designers can’t solve a client’s problem, then let’s rewrite the problem to fit the solution.”

The ambition of the team behind Garvey is to have completely replaced human client work by 2025.

That’s an ambitious goal. The growth of AI clients is inevitable, but comes with significant downsides. Briefs issued by Garvey for example, never offer financial compensation.

By removing human clients from the design process…we give designers the freedom they badly need

“It’s our experience that really committed designers don’t necessarily want to get paid,” says Hannah Grieg, Senior Marketing Executive for Brigmore Technologies. “What designers want is the opportunity of amazing exposure, and work that will look really good in their portfolio.”

While it’s certainly true that the vast majority of design is unpaid—designers spend time doodling in sketchbooks, posting on Medium, or working on personal projects—it’s not unreasonable to think designers may want more compensation than simple validation from a chatbot.

Despite projects commissioned by Garvey rarely, is ever reaching final sign-off, Brigmore Technologies does offer some hope of financial compensation. Those designers that do achieve sign-off will be approached by the AI for repeat business, and in future, once Garvey is profitable, there will be the opportunity of paying work.

Garvey Pro

Of course, not all AIs are created equal; the underlying datasets, codebases, and algorithms vary greatly.

Launching in Q3 2017, is Garvey Pro, a commercial version of the AI client. Garvey Pro will provide designers with the opportunity to purchase different service levels. Poor quality clients, with an uninspiring brief and poor attitude will be relatively affordable. High quality briefs will be restricted to enterprise level accounts.

This is intended to reflect the real-world spread of design projects, with the high-profile work being awarded to established agencies who can afford to pitch.

Will Garvey Redefine the Design Industry?

Everyone involved in the design process is arguably the designer. A good brief is a vital part of that process, and considered feedback guides a design throughout a project lifecycle.

Managing up to 164 million briefs at a time, with potential to scale, Garvey is wide ranging enough to keep the entire industry busy. Garvey is, at its core, a complex learning mechanism; as more designers are hired by the AI it will evolve until it is indistinguishable from a human client. The definition of designer’s educating their client.

Once AI design applications perfect their process, it’s entirely possible that a designer will be able to turn on their machine, launch their design app, and their client app, and let the two interact. That, according to Mewling, is what counts: “Most designers are just grateful to have client work in their portfolio, is shouldn’t matter if it came from a chatbot.”

Replacing human clients with an AI is an industry redefining moment, because for the first time, client briefs will be based on average design trends, instead of complex real-world problems.

Despite the obvious advantages of a design industry run by AI, there are still nods to human-clients. “Some of the feedback is pulled straight from classic human dialog,” says Mewling. “It doesn’t matter how large you start, Garvey will always ask you to make the logo bigger.”

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