Home > Designing, Others > Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element

Say Hello to selectmenu, a Fully Style-able select Element

Showing the boundaries of a selectmenu element.
  • is the root element that contains the button and listbox.
  • is the element that displays the value of the currently selection option (optional). Note that this part does not necessarily have to be placed inside the
  • is the wrapper that contains the s and s.
  • groups s together with an optional label.
  • represents the potential value that can be chosen by the user. There can be one or more.

Default behavior

The default behavior of the control mimics the behavior of the control. You can use it just like a native , with the following minimal markup.

  <option>Option 1</option>
  <option>Option 2</option>
  <option>Option 3</option>

When doing so, the default

I want to introduce you to a new, experimental form control called . We’ll get deep into it, including how much easier it is to style than a traditional element. But first, let’s fill in some context about why something like is needed in the first place, as it’s still evolving and in development.

Ask any web developer what they think is missing from the web platform today, chances are the ability to style form controls will be on their list. In fact, form styling was voted as one of the top-10 missing things in the State of CSS Survey in 2020. It was then further surveyed by Greg Whitworth who showed that was the control web developers were having the most problems styling with CSS.

While it’s relatively easy to style the appearance of the button part of a (the thing you see in the page when the popup is closed), it’s almost impossible to style the options (the thing you see when the popup is open), let alone add more content within the popup.

Showing the default UI of the select element in Safari.
The default UI for a  element in Safari

As a result, design systems and component libraries have been rolling out their own selects, made from scratch using custom HTML markup, CSS, and often a lot of JavaScript, in order to have something that integrates nicely with the other components.

Unfortunately, doing so correctly with the right accessibility semantics, keyboard support, and popup positioning is not easy. Web developers have poured hours and hours over the years, trying to solve the same problems over and over, and there are many inaccessible selects out there.

It’s about time we got a properly style-able built-in so we don’t have to write this code ever again!

The Open UI initiative

The Open UI logo, which is a green oval with a rounded fork-like shape with three prongs inside.

Open UI is a group of developers, designers, and browser implementers who set out to solve this exact problem, and while they’re at it, tackle other missing controls too.

The purpose of Open UI is to eventually make it possible for web developers to style and extend built-in UI controls (this includes , but dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, and others too). To achieve this, they produce specifications for how these controls should be implemented in the web platform as well as the accessibility requirements they should address.

The project is still in its infancy, but things are moving fast and, as we’ll see below, exciting things are already happening.

You can join the group and participate in the meetings, research, and specification efforts.

The  control

Based on the Open UI’s  proposal, the implementation of a new  control has started in Chromium! The work is done by the Microsoft Edge team, in collaboration with the Google Chrome team. It’s even already available in Chromium-based browsers by enabling the “Experimental Web Platform features” flag in the about:flags page.

 is a new built-in control that provides an option selection user experience, just like , with a button showing the selected value label, a popup that appears when that button is clicked, and a list of options that get displayed.

Why a new name?

Why not just replace the existing control? The name “selectmenu” started as a working name, but it seems to have stuck so far, and no one has come up with anything better yet.

More importantly, the existing control has been used on the web for a very long time. As such, it can probably never be changed in any significant way without causing major compatibility issues.

So, the plan (and remember this is all still very experimental) is for to be a new control, independent from .

Try it out today

This isn’t ready for production use yet, but if you’re as excited as I am about using it, here’s how:

  1. Open a Canary version of a Chromium-based browser (Chrome, Edge).
  2. Switch the “Experimental Web Platform features” flag in the about:flags page and restart.
  3. Replace any by in a web page!

That’s it! It won’t do much by default, but as we’ll see later, you’ll be able to style and extend the control quite extensively with this one tag name change.

We love feedback!

Before we go into how to use the control, if you do use it, the Open UI group and people working on the implementation in Chromium would love to hear your feedback if you have any.

By being an early tester, you can actively help them make the control better for everyone. So, if you encounter bugs or limitations with the design of the control, please send your feedback by creating an issue on the Open UI GitHub repository!

And now, let’s talk about how the control works.

The anatomy of a control

Because the various parts of the selectmenu can be styled, it’s important to first understand its internal anatomy.

Showing the boundaries of a selectmenu element.
  • is the root element that contains the button and listbox.
  • is the element that displays the value of the currently selection option (optional). Note that this part does not necessarily have to be placed inside the
  • is the wrapper that contains the s and s.
  • groups s together with an optional label.
  • represents the potential value that can be chosen by the user. There can be one or more.

Default behavior

The default behavior of the control mimics the behavior of the control. You can use it just like a native , with the following minimal markup.

  <option>Option 1</option>
  <option>Option 2</option>
  <option>Option 3</option>

When doing so, the default

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