
Archive for the ‘Website Design’ Category

Website Redesigning

March 18th, 2009 No comments

If you run a website, chances are you often wonder whether it is the right time to do a total redesign of the layout of your website. Here are some points to consider:

Are you thinking of a redesign just for the sake of it? If you answered yes to that question, it is not yet the right time to do a redesign. Remember, a design serves a specific purpose. If you are not sure whether to do an overhaul of your site, keep in mind that your current design might have a specific purpose that you might not know about. You will lose that function if you do a redesign.

On the other hand, if your website has had the same website design since 1990, perhaps it is high time to do a redesign. The last thing you would ever want to happen to your site is when visitors leave your site without taking a look at your content just because the design is old fashioned. If this is your case, here are some points to ponder before doing a redesign.

Redesigning your website is like performing plastic surgery on it. Your website loses its current identity (for the better or worse) and your regular visitors might not recognise your new design at first glance. You risk losing them just because they thought they landed on the wrong page. Hence, it is very  important that you retain a characteristic feature from your old layout. Perhaps it is the logo of your site; perhaps it is the same text style for the title for your site.

To play it safe, put a poll on your site to let your visitors do the talking. If they think it is necessary for the website to have a fresh look, give it to them!

Categories: Website Design Tags:

5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography

March 17th, 2009 No comments

Type is one of the most-used elements of the web. Think about it. Unless you are YouTube or Flickr, chances are your site visitors are coming for your text content – not the fancy packaging that surrounds it. So why are web designers still treating text like a secondary element?

Good typography brings order to the page and increases legibility. It allows people to process information faster.

A more scannable, readable site means happy visitors. Happy visitors return often, buy products, leave comments, and share the site with friends. See why it might be worth thinking about?

I could blather on forever about how far typography has come on the web, and how far yet it has to go. I have frequently bounced between web and print design. When you’re going from InDesign to TextMate, the limitations of web type are crystal clear.

But plenty has been said about what web type can’t do. This isn’t going to be another rant. Instead, let’s focus on a 5 easy fixes for the typographic eyesores that abound across the Web.

1. Use A Reset Stylesheet

Stupid, but true: No two browsers use the same presentation defaults. Differences in padding, margins, headings, and indentations are rampant. If you want your page layout to be more consistent across browsers, it pays to start with a CSS Reset stylesheet.

Use a reset stylesheet for better web type.

Two I recommend:

Yahoo’s CSS Reset Stylesheet
Eric Meyer’s CSS Reset Stylesheet

2. Watch Your Measure

Measure refers to the length of a single line of type. A longer line = a longer Measure. Studies have shown that for optimal readability, running text columns such as your main body copy should be somewhere between 45 – 75 characters (30 – 50 ems) including spaces. This is one of the reasons that fluid designs (ones in which the columns expand and contract to fit the browser width) are harder on the eyes.

Additionally, your leading should increase with the length of your Measure. Leading is the amount of white space between lines of text, and is controlled via the CSS line-height property. If you need to use an extra-long Measure, make sure your leading opens up.

Likewise, if you have a small column such as a sidebar with a short Measure, your leading should be tighter. I find the default value most browsers assign is a little too tight. A line-height of around 1.4em works well for most body content.

3. Tend To The Space Between

It’s not just about your text – its about the space that surrounds it. Too little space makes text hard to read, but so does too much. The key is to find a simple balance that guides the eye from one element to the next.


One of the common mistakes new designers make is to fill every inch of space. White space refers to the empty or “negative” space around your content, and it is crucial. Take a look at a well-designed magazine such as Dwell or Good and you’ll see that even though it costs the publisher money to print each page, they leave abundant amounts of white space around the text. The page will be in balance and your eye will move from space to space effectively.

In addition to adjusting your line-height (as mentioned in #1), try increasing your padding and margins. Unless you’re trying to pull of a crazy visual trick, there should always be a good amount of white space around your text. Don’t let it butt up against other elements, especially images. Let your content chunks (headings, paragraphs, sidebars, etc.) breathe.

Mark Boulton wrote a very informative article about White Space for A List Apart, check it out.

4. Don’t Go Font Crazy

A good rule of thumb for any designer is: use no more than two font faces in your design. Two font faces can look very stylish. A List Apart uses variations of Georgia and Verdana to create an elegant and polished look. But continuing to add font faces to your interface creates unnecessary confusion. Similarly, avoid using too many font sizes, colors, or treatments on a page or in a paragraph or they will compete with each other instead of adding emphasis as intended.

Although font stacks and technologies like sIFR and Typeface.js allow you to specify just about any font you want as the default, resist the temptation to go wild with the body copy. Decorative fonts are best kept to headlines because they affect readability. Think about it – when is the last time you picked up a paperback novel set entirely in Comic Sans?

When creating font stacks, pay attention to the size of your pairings. Some fonts that look similar render at very different sizes. Verdana and Arial are a great example of this. Typetester is a great tool for comparing core web fonts and creating a successful stack. Another useful tool called Font Stack Builder shows you what percentage of users will see each variation.

Regardless of what fonts you decide to use, make sure they are not teeny tiny. I know its hard… tiny text looks cool. But think about the poor, squinting users! Keep body text above 10 or 12 pixels. If you insist on teeny tiny, at least use relative sizing for all those IE 6.0 users who otherwise couldn’t make it larger. Read Wilson Miner’s article on font sizes for a great take on the debate.

5) Don’t Neglect The Details

The client provided the content. Adding it to the site is just a matter of copying and pasting, right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is a trap web designers fall into all too often.

Even those of us who diligently add heading tags, format each paragraph and organize bulleted lists with care forget some important typographic details. Many (including me) missed out on formal typography training, so you can’t blame us entirely. But the devil is in the details. Its time we embrace these basics:

Use smart quotes

What’s the difference between smart quotes and dumb quotes? Smart quotes (also known as book or curly) are curved and have both an opening and closing style. Dumb (straight) quotes are usually straight up and down. An apostrophe is typographically just a single quote so the same problem applies. A dumb quote (also called a prime) should only be used between measurements. For example, 6?4? uses double and single prime quotes.


Unfortunately our keyboards default to prime quotes. Microsoft Word and other text editors just correct them for us as we write. Adding smart quotes to HTML pages requires more work from the web developer because you need to use markup to produce opening and closing quote symbols. I see the same problem with em and en-dashes, ellipsis, trademark and copyright symbols. Coders take the easy way out by replacing them with hyphens, multiple periods, a large TM and the infamous (C). Using the right symbols does make a difference visually. Do it right and make editors everywhere smile.

How to make smart quotes:

#8216; = opening single quote
&#8217 = closing single quote
&#8220 = opening double quote
&#8221 = closing double quote

I know – no one wants to spend all day hunting down quotes. Luckily, tools like SmartyPants and Textism can do much of the legwork for you by automatically formatting text that includes smart quotes and the like.

Read “The Trouble with EM and EN” from A List Apart for more detail on the subject and the UTF-8 character encoding for most common special characters.

One caveat – lots of CMS text editors (like the one this site uses) won’t let you implement smart quotes without extra plugins. Sad, but true.

Stop putting two spaces after a period. Please! It’s not necessary and its actually rather annoying.

On your links, use border-bottom: 1px solid instead of text-decoration: underline. Underlines can run through the descender characters (g, j, p, q, y) making them hard to read, especially when using smaller font sizes.

And while it has nothing to do with typography, running a quick spell check never killed anyone. Even if all you did was copy and paste, a spelling error that slips through to a live site reflects badly on everyone involved.

Pay attention to those 5 fixes and your site designs are sure to improve. Remember that these are just a starting point. Good typography is a learned skill just like anything else, and it requires study and practice. Always keep an eye out for sites that are getting it right and make note of what they are doing. Need inspiration? Check out the sites below for examples of great web typography and post examples you find to be inspirational.

Top Five Web Design Tools

March 17th, 2009 No comments

Just like in most other professions, a web designer’s set of tools is what brings a concept into fruition. There are many applications available to our disposal, but there are some that just stand out from the crowd. The tools in this article are what’s regarded as the most popular tools used for web design.

Last week, you were asked to vote on what you thought was the best web design tool. Close to 280 of you shared your opinion on what the best web design tool is.

In this article, you’ll find the five web design tools that garnered the most votes.

5. Fireworks

Adobe Fireworks is a commercial raster and vector graphics editor hybrid from Adobe that’s available for the Mac and Windows operating systems. Designed specifically for web designers (unlike Photoshop), Fireworks brings you a plethora of tools and options that make full web layout prototyping a breeze.

Among its notable features are: "slices" for slicing and dicing a design mockup into HTML/CSS for rapidly creating prototypes (though you should avoid using auto-generated source code for the end-build), the ability to package an entire site design as a PDF with clickable components for interactive and impressive site prototypes, and optimization tools for making your web graphics as lightweight as possible.


4. Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver is a commercial application for web development that’s available for the Mac and Windows operating systems. Its featured-packed suite of tools and options include: syntax highlighting and very smart Code Hinting, a built-in FTP client, project management and workflow options that make team work effortless, and Live View – which shows you a preview of your source code. Dreamweaver tightly integrates with other popular Adobe products such as Photoshop, allowing you to share Smart Objects for quick and easy updating and editing of graphics components.  



3. Panic Coda

Panic Coda is a shareware web development application for the Mac OS X operating system. It seeks to reduce the amount of applications (such as an FTP client, CSS editor, a version control system, etc.) you need to develop websites and to improve your team’s workflow. Coda’s one-window web development philosophy uses a tabbed interface for text editing, file transfers, SVN, CSS, and even "Books" which embeds web books that are searchable (it comes with The Web Programmer’s Desk Reference but you can add your own).

It’s simple and intuitive interface allowed Coda to garner the Apple Design Awards Best Mac OS X User Experience in 2007.

2. Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a very popular commercial graphics editor available for the Mac and Windows operating system. Created for professional photographers and designers, it is the ideal application for manipulating images and creating web graphics. Photoshop has all the necessary tools and options you need such as: Filters – which automatically adds effects to your image or a selected section of your image, extensibility and automation with Brushes, Actions and Scripting, and workflow enhancement features like Layer Comps and the Revert option.

1. Firebug

Firebug is a free, open source in-browser web development tool for the Firefox web browser. It’s many features include: on-the-fly HTML and CSS editing for tweaking or debugging, a Console for logging, analyzing and debugging JavaScript, and an intuitive Document Object Model (DOM) inspection tool to help you quickly see how the elements of a web page relates to one another.

Firebug’s popularity is so immense it’s one of the few Firefox extensions that have its own extensions (like YSlow and FirePHP)!

Categories: Webmaster Tools, Website Design Tags:

Floats, CSS, Divs, the Refresh Button, Firefox, and Frustration

March 17th, 2009 No comments

WordPress is a funny beast, really it is.  Usually, building a WordPress site involves something like digging through a hundred pages of templates until you find one that’s merely passable.  Once you do, you grab it and start hacking away at everything to make it your own – CSS, HTML, everything.  And it’s fine.  Really, it is – the internet’s built on sharing ideas.  The problem appears once you start inheriting other people’s problems.  In this case, I had to hit the refresh key just to get my divs to float correctly.

The thing with using a tableless design is that people tend to create an outer division to put other inner divisions into.  Usually this looks like a main content box with two columns in it, which is what I had.  In order to get those columns to line up side by side, you tell the css of those divs to float:left;.  Here’s where we inherit the problem, however.  When I visit the page for the first time, or reload the page without using the cache, the floats start clearing one another, even though I have never set a clear css property on either of the divisions.  (If you don’t know what I mean by “clearing”, imagine you want to put two columns side by side, and instead they stack on top of one another.)  The whole ordeal was rather frustrating, until I noticed one thing.

The outer, main content division had a property from before I started editing the css.  The outer div was set to display:table;.  I don’t know if it’s a bug, but the issue remains:  If you have an outer div set to display:table, the inner divs will clear each other regardless of how you float them. The solution?  I didn’t need the outer div to act like a table, so I just removed the display:table; property and now all is well.

I don’t know if you’ll be able to remove the display:table; property from your outer div, but you’ll have to find a way around it if this problem occurs in Firefox for you.  I hope this helps someone track their problem down.

Internet Explorer 8 Release Candidate 1 Ready

March 17th, 2009 No comments

A near-final version of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 was made available for download today. The free browser is only available for users of Windows Vista, Windows Server and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 installed. Microsoft has been steadily improving Internet Explorer 8 which has been in development for a few years with Beta 1 and 2 versions of the browser being released in March and August last year respectively.




Although still the most dominant web browser Internet Explorer has seen it’s market share slowly being chipped away by Mozilla Foundation’s Firefox web browser and with Google’s recent and swift entry into the market with Chrome.

Hello world!

March 3rd, 2009 No comments

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!