Quick Hit #13

August 26th, 2024 No comments

Happy birthday, Chris Coyier — and thank you for CSS-Tricks as well as everything you do at CodePen, ShopTalk, Boost, and even your personal blog!

Quick Hit #13 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Generating Unique Random Numbers in JavaScript Using Sets

August 26th, 2024 No comments

JavaScript comes with a lot of built-in functions that allow you to carry out so many different operations. One of these built-in functions is the Math.random() method, which generates a random floating-point number that can then be manipulated into integers.

However, if you wish to generate a series of unique random numbers and create more random effects in your code, you will need to come up with a custom solution for yourself because the Math.random() method on its own cannot do that for you.

In this article, we’re going to be learning how to circumvent this issue and generate a series of unique random numbers using the Set object in JavaScript, which we can then use to create more randomized effects in our code.

Note: This article assumes that you know how to generate random numbers in JavaScript, as well as how to work with sets and arrays.

Generating a Unique Series of Random Numbers

One of the ways to generate a unique series of random numbers in JavaScript is by using Set objects. The reason why we’re making use of sets is because the elements of a set are unique. We can iteratively generate and insert random integers into sets until we get the number of integers we want.

And since sets do not allow duplicate elements, they are going to serve as a filter to remove all of the duplicate numbers that are generated and inserted into them so that we get a set of unique integers.

Here’s how we are going to approach the work:

  1. Create a Set object.
  2. Define how many random numbers to produce and what range of numbers to use.
  3. Generate each random number and immediately insert the numbers into the Set until the Set is filled with a certain number of them.

The following is a quick example of how the code comes together:

function generateRandomNumbers(count, min, max) {
  // 1: Create a Set object
  let uniqueNumbers = new Set();
  while (uniqueNumbers.size < count) {
    // 2: Generate each random number
    uniqueNumbers.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min);
  // 3: Immediately insert them numbers into the Set...
  return Array.from(uniqueNumbers);
// ...set how many numbers to generate from a given range
console.log(generateRandomNumbers(5, 5, 10));

What the code does is create a new Set object and then generate and add the random numbers to the set until our desired number of integers has been included in the set. The reason why we’re returning an array is because they are easier to work with.

One thing to note, however, is that the number of integers you want to generate (represented by count in the code) should be less than the upper limit of your range plus one (represented by max + 1 in the code). Otherwise, the code will run forever. You can add an if statement to the code to ensure that this is always the case:

function generateRandomNumbers(count, min, max) {
  // if statement checks that count is less than max + 1
  if (count > max + 1) {
    return "count cannot be greater than the upper limit of range";
  } else {
    let uniqueNumbers = new Set();
    while (uniqueNumbers.size < count) {
      uniqueNumbers.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min);
    return Array.from(uniqueNumbers);
console.log(generateRandomNumbers(5, 5, 10));

Using the Series of Unique Random Numbers as Array Indexes

It is one thing to generate a series of random numbers. It’s another thing to use them.

Being able to use a series of random numbers with arrays unlocks so many possibilities: you can use them in shuffling playlists in a music app, randomly sampling data for analysis, or, as I did, shuffling the tiles in a memory game.

Let’s take the code from the last example and work off of it to return random letters of the alphabet. First, we’ll construct an array of letters:

const englishAlphabets = [
  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 
  'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

// rest of code

Then we map the letters in the range of numbers:

const englishAlphabets = [
  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 
  'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

// generateRandomNumbers()

const randomAlphabets = randomIndexes.map((index) => englishAlphabets[index]);

In the original code, the generateRandomNumbers() function is logged to the console. This time, we’ll construct a new variable that calls the function so it can be consumed by randomAlphabets:

const englishAlphabets = [
  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 
  'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

// generateRandomNumbers()

const randomIndexes = generateRandomNumbers(5, 0, 25);
const randomAlphabets = randomIndexes.map((index) => englishAlphabets[index]);

Now we can log the output to the console like we did before to see the results:

const englishAlphabets = [
  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 
  'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'

// generateRandomNumbers()

const randomIndexes = generateRandomNumbers(5, 0, 25);
const randomAlphabets = randomIndexes.map((index) => englishAlphabets[index]);

And, when we put the generateRandomNumbers`()` function definition back in, we get the final code:

const englishAlphabets = [
  'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 
  'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
function generateRandomNumbers(count, min, max) {
  if (count > max + 1) {
    return "count cannot be greater than the upper limit of range";
  } else {
    let uniqueNumbers = new Set();
    while (uniqueNumbers.size < count) {
      uniqueNumbers.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min);
    return Array.from(uniqueNumbers);
const randomIndexes = generateRandomNumbers(5, 0, 25);
const randomAlphabets = randomIndexes.map((index) => englishAlphabets[index]);

So, in this example, we created a new array of alphabets by randomly selecting some letters in our englishAlphabets array.

You can pass in a count argument of englishAlphabets.length to the generateRandomNumbers function if you desire to shuffle the elements in the englishAlphabets array instead. This is what I mean:

generateRandomNumbers(englishAlphabets.length, 0, 25);

Wrapping Up

In this article, we’ve discussed how to create randomization in JavaScript by covering how to generate a series of unique random numbers, how to use these random numbers as indexes for arrays, and also some practical applications of randomization.

The best way to learn anything in software development is by consuming content and reinforcing whatever knowledge you’ve gotten from that content by practicing. So, don’t stop here. Run the examples in this tutorial (if you haven’t done so), play around with them, come up with your own unique solutions, and also don’t forget to share your good work. Ciao!

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3 Essential Design Trends, September 2024

August 26th, 2024 No comments

September’s web design trends have a fun, fall feeling … and we love it. See what’s trending in website design this month.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

How to Implement 2FA Live for Your Business

August 26th, 2024 No comments

If you want your business to be safe and secure, 2FA Live is one of the most useful tools available. With malicious cyber attacks increasing at an alarming rate, what better way to secure your business than to use 2FA Live. The following is a guide to achieve just that.

What is 2FA Live?

Before stepping into the implementation part, be aware of what 2FA Live is. 2FA Live is the next upgrade level of 2-factor authentication. Along with the traditional methods of identity confirmation through usernames or passwords, the platform also utilizes real-time verification methods like one-time password or biometric data to ensure that the business information is safe in the hands of the right users.

Assessing Your Business Needs

The first step in getting the 2FA Live system operational is to determine which systems, applications and information require a second layer of protection. If you scan your business, you will probably conclude that the systems to add this second layer of security include employee email accounts, client database, financial information, proprietary software and other information specific to your business.

Choosing the Right 2FA Live Solution

After identifying your needs, carefully select the right 2FA Live solution for you. There is an array of providers out there offering a myriad of functionalities. Choose one that complements your existing IT infrastructure and that supports multiple methods of authentication. Also, ensure your provider offers excellent customer care and posts updates as new threats emerge.

Setting Up 2FA-Live

Now that you’ve elected to go with a 2FA Live configuration, you can install the system. Nearly all vendors provide detailed instructions or installation by a professional for them. Generally, you’ll need to:

  • Register your business and create an admin account.
  • Integrate the 2FA Live API with your existing systems and applications.
  • Configure authentication methods, such as SMS OTP, email OTP, or biometric verification.
  • Test the setup to ensure it works correctly across all platforms.

Training Your Team

Your team will also need to know how to work with 2fa live. Run some training sessions to explain the need for 2FA and how it works, including which employees to request it from and how to do so properly. Create guides and documentation to make it easier for employees to find this information on an ongoing basis. Also, ensure everyone knows what to do when stuff happens – a device getting lost, authentication failure, etc.

Monitoring and Management

After 2FA-Live is deployed, it needs to be monitored continuously. Check authentication logs periodically for unusual events. Update 2FA methods and policies as needed to counter new threats and ensure that a team or individual is dedicated to the management of 2FA.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Your Business: A Comprehensive Guide

Indeed — in the modern digital era, there is nothing more vital than ensuring cybersecurity for your business. One of the best ways to improve security is two-factor authentication (2FA). This is a security measure that would require users to prove they are the original owner of an account by two forms before logging in. We will also understand it in the preceding paragraphs, and finally, we are going to discuss how you can implement a two-factor authentication system for your enterprise.

The Significance of Two-Factor Authentication

With cyberattacks growing more sophisticated every day, you simply cannot depend on passwords to safeguard your business. Passwords that are easily compromised due to phishing attacks, brute force, and data breaches. Essentially, 2FA is a way to further secure yourself by adding that second step of authentication making it much more difficult for unauthorized users to access something.

If implemented, then 2FA secures against Not allowing malicious identity theft or disclosing any sensitive information and believes adherence to the rules of changing nature. In addition, businesses that deal with sensitive data — such as customer info or financial records — absolutely must employ 2FA to ensure they can prevent what could be very expensive breaches and remain trustworthy in the eyes of their customers.

Common 2FA Methods

There are several 2FA methods, and each of these has its unique limitations and advantages. We have an in-depth understanding as to which is the best fit to meet your business requirements.

1. SMS-Based Authentication

One-Time Passcode (OTP) is sent to the user on his mobile via SMS as a message. The user will then need to enter this code in their password field.

Pro: Simplicity to implement and well popularized.

What is bad: The weakness of SIM-swapping and communication interception. Not the most secure method.

2. Authenticator Apps

Time-based OTPs are generated by external authentication apps like Google Authenticator, Authy, or Microsoft Authenticator after the password is entered. No-cybernetic query, credential codes that regenerate every 30 seconds, and don’t rely on the pathological disenchantment of internet accessibility.

Pros: More secure than SMS, does not rely on mobile networks.

Cons: Requires to install and manage additional app

3. Hardware Tokens

Hardware Tokens: These are physical devices that generate OTPs. The memory cards would be housed in devices connected to a computer via USB plugins.

Pro: this is very secure and can be attacked online.

Cons: Expensive to develop and support; danger of physical device being lost or damaged.

4. Biometric Authentication

Biometric 2FA — in this mode, real-time measurements of facial recognition and voice into the system extract more personal characteristics used to verify who they are.

Pros: Highly secure — user-convenient.

Cons: Needs special hardware, privacy, and data storage issues

5. Email-Based Authentication

This method sends an OTP or verification link to a user-registered Email Address. The user has to authenticate by clicking the link or submitting an OTP.

PROS: Simple to use and implement.

Email: Checks and balances; Use of a compromised email service could lead to insecurity; Emails lost in transmission run the risk of delays.

6. Push Notifications

The delayed push notification is sent to the user’s smartphone asking for approval/denial of login. One common approach is to go with an authenticator app.

Advantages: Easy to use and safe; instant notifications.

Negatives: You have to own a smartphone and you also need an active internet connection.

How To Add 2FA For Your Organization

Next up, let’s get you set up using 2FA inside your workplace since by now we’ve covered the essentials of what a 2nd-factor is. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you out.

1. Evaluate Your Business Needs

Step 1: Analyze your Business Security Needs – GO FOR 2FA Account for your data sensitivity, the type of regulatory compliance environment you work in, and very real risks that may haunt your business. This will encourage you to choose which 2FA method is best for your company.

2. Use The Appropriate 2FA(s)

From your assessment, decide on the 2FA method(s) that will provide value to your business. You could use text messages for 2FA with regular accounts, and bump up the security to hardware tokens or biometrics for super important things.

3. Select a 2FA Provider

Many 2-factor authentication providers exist with various features and prices in the market. Duo Security, Google Authenticator (2FA), Microsoft Authenticator, and Yubikey are some of the popular Biometric & Perfecto alternatives Some things to take a look at are how easy it is to integrate, scalability, and customer support.

4. Employ Two-factor Authentication in Your Systems

After you choose a 2FA provider, the next step is to start using 2FA for your business. Setting up these systems may involve cooperation with your IT team or a third-party consultant to assist in easing the implementation. Nearly all 2FA providers offer APIs and plugins, making them quite 


2FA-Live is an essential component to help secure your business. Taking the time to understand your needs, choosing the right solution, deploying properly and training your team will help ensure that your business data is secure. 

For companies who are looking for a trust-worthy 2FA-Live product, LogMeOnce has a whole suite of security tools that can protect against the latest cyber threats such as phishing, credential stuffing, malware and ransomware. 

Featured image by Ed Hardie on Unsplash

The post How to Implement 2FA Live for Your Business appeared first on noupe.

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Quick Hit #12

August 23rd, 2024 No comments

Giant kudos to Scott Jehl on releasing his new Web Components De-Mystified online course! Eight full hours of training from one of the best in the business.

Quick Hit #12 originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links

August 23rd, 2024 No comments

Eric gifting us with his research on all the various things that anchors (not links) do when they are in :focus.

Turns out, there’s a lot!

That’s an understatement! This is an incredible amount of work, even if Eric calls it “dry as a toast sandwich.” Boring ain’t always a bad thing. Let me simply drop in a pen that Dave put together pulling all of Eric’s findings into a table organized to compare the different behaviors between operating systems — and additional tables for each specific platform — because I think it helps frame Eric’s points.

CodePen Embed Fallback

That really is a lot! But why on Earth go through the trouble of documenting all of this?

All of the previously documented behavior needs to be built in JavaScript, since we need to go the synthetic link route. It also means that it is code we need to set aside time and resources to maintain.

That also assumes that is even possible to recreate every expected feature in JavaScript, which is not true. It also leaves out the mental gymnastics required to make a business case for prioritizing engineering efforts to re-make each feature.

There’s the rub! These are the behaviors you’re gonna need to mimic and maintain if veering away from semantic, native web elements. So what Eric is generously providing is perhaps an ultimate argument against adopting frameworks — or rolling some custom system — that purposely abstract the accessible parts of the web, often in favor of DX.

As with anything, there’s more than meets the eye to all this. Eric’s got an exhaustive list at the end there that calls out all the various limitations of his research. Most of those notes sound to me like there are many, many other platforms, edge cases, user agent variations, assistive technologies, and considerations that could also be taken into account, meaning we could be responsible for a much longer list of behaviors than what’s already there.

And yes, this sweatshirt is incredible. Indeed.

Basic keyboard shortcut support for focused links originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Categories: Designing, Others Tags:

Winter of Discontent? How Brands Can Retain Authenticity While Using GenAI

August 23rd, 2024 No comments

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience. Across channels of email marketing, social media and within the marketing funnel, creative content is a key way that brands can build a relationship with their audiences. 

This creates a challenge for brands: your social media content needs to renew itself daily, based on the latest memes and trends. Your website blog needs impactful bottom-of-funnel content to remind your customers that your products exist to change their lives. You need unique, powerful imagery to capture your customers’ imaginations. You may even need several iterations of all of this to A/B test!

Generative AI (GenAI) could be the solution, and everyone from ecommerce giants to small businesses is looking to streamline their marketing efforts with this powerful tool. But recent research has revealed a contradiction: 49% of consumers think that GenAI use harms brand authenticity.

As much as customers love engaging content, they also love authenticity. Any brand integrating generative AI in their marketing must be proactive to earn and keep the trust of their audience. Here’s how.

The Importance of Authenticity in Marketing

Consumers have more choice than ever about the brands they choose, meaning brands have to work harder than ever to create a connection with their audience that runs deeper than the price tag. Authenticity is a vital component of engaging your audience, generating trust and creating an emotional connection that integrates your products or services with your customers’ lifestyles.

Strengthening perceptions of authenticity leads to:

  • Trust: When consumers believe a brand is genuine, they’re more likely to trust and engage with it.
  • Loyalty: Authentic brands often enjoy higher customer loyalty, as people prefer to support businesses they perceive as honest and transparent.
  • Engagement: Authentic content resonates more deeply with audiences, leading to higher engagement rates.

90% of millennials say authenticity is key when choosing a brand and authenticity is so important for brands that it’s become a topic of academic discussion. Authenticity should be at the heart of any brand strategy, and particularly when integrating AI into your marketing efforts. 

The Power of Generative AI in Marketing

Generative AI allows brands to create high-quality content quickly and in a scaleable way. Producing creative content is hard — with generative AI, there’s no such thing as a blank page. First drafts are ready-made, allowing you to get the ball rolling before adding a human touch. Here’s how brands are integrating GenAI into their marketing efforts:

Naming and Brand Strategy: AI can generate catchy brand names and build a coherent brand strategy in seconds, eliminating the painstaking initial brainstorming stages in brand building.

Creative Ad Copy: Writing persuasive ad copy that resonates with diverse audiences can be time-consuming, particularly when we’re A/B testing copy to hone in on the best results. GenAI can generate multiple variations of compelling copy, allowing marketers to test and optimize their campaigns efficiently.

Captivating Image Production: GenAI tools can edit and enhance images, helping brands maintain high visual standards without the constant need for professional designers. This can streamline your campaigns, allowing you to react to news, current affairs and trending memes with highly engaging, speedily produced visual content.

Engaging Social Media Content: A consistent stream of engaging content is essential in an algorithm-powered era. From generating witty tweets to creating engaging Instagram posts, GenAI can assist in maintaining a consistent and captivating social media presence. 

GenAI is a powerful tool for brands looking to stay current and stand out. But according to our survey, nearly half of the respondents feel that generative AI harms perceptions of brand authenticity. This statistic highlights a significant challenge for marketers: How can brands leverage GenAI’s efficiencies without compromising the authentic connection with their audience?

Maintaining Authenticity While Using GenAI

Transparency is Key

Just one-third of consumers are confident they can spot GenAI content, creating an atmosphere of suspicion online. From political deep fakes to airbrushed ads, consumers might not always spot AI-generated content, but they will be questioning whether it’s there.

In this climate, one of the most effective ways to maintain authenticity when using GenAI is to be transparent about its use. 77% of consumers expect brands to be transparent about AI usage, and brands that openly disclose their use of AI are more likely to maintain trust.

Add the Human Touch

While GenAI can generate content, adding a human touch is crucial to ensure it resonates authentically with the audience. Personalize your content by tailoring AI-generated content to reflect the brand’s unique voice, and targeting your customers’ specific needs.

Coca-Cola is one brand going all-in on the power of AI, but not forgetting that all-important human touch. “It’s all about AI and HI, artificial intelligence and human ingenuity”, said Europe CMO Javier Meza

Engage with Your Audience

Using GenAI doesn’t mean brands should distance themselves from their audience — in fact, using AI to generate content can create another opportunity to ask your customer’s opinions. By encouraging discussions about AI and its role in content creation, and by staying open to feedback, you can strengthen perceptions of authenticity and reinforce trust.

Regularly ask your audience about their perceptions and comfort levels with AI-generated content, through polls and questioning social media posts. You can foster community discussions around the use of GenAI, and meaningfully address any concerns.

Always Stay True to Brand Values

Brands should ensure that their use of GenAI aligns with their core values. Misalignment can lead to a perception of inauthenticity, so ensure you have a brand style guide in place that outlines your brand tone, and use it when creating prompts for GenAI content.

You might even reject generative AI altogether to emphasize your values, like Dove  — a brand known for its commitment to natural beauty. Dove has publicly stated that they will never use AI-generated models in their advertising, and this stance reinforces their brand values and strengthens their authenticity in the eyes of their consumers.

Wrapping Up

Generative AI offers huge potential for brands to streamline content creation and enhance their marketing efforts, but it can’t come at the cost of authenticity. Through transparency and an alignment with brand values, brands can leverage GenAI whilst maintaining, or even strengthening, perceptions of authenticity.

Brand-building is a two-way street, a call-and-response act with your customers. When you’re integrating AI into your marketing efforts, be ready to listen to what they have to say.

Featured image by Google DeepMind

The post Winter of Discontent? How Brands Can Retain Authenticity While Using GenAI appeared first on noupe.

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7 Best Shopify Apps You Will Need for Your Store in 2024

August 23rd, 2024 No comments

Shopify apps are like power-ups for your business, transforming your Shopify store from a basic online shop into a high-performing eCommerce powerhouse. In 2024, utilizing the right Shopify apps can give your store the competitive edge it needs.

This blog highlights the top seven Shopify apps that can elevate your store. Each app brings unique features and benefits, turning potential challenges into opportunities for growth. 

Let’s get started!

StoreRobo Import Export Suite

The StoreRobo Import Export Suite helps store owners better handle data by facilitating the import and export of products, collections, customers, orders, and discounts using CSV files.

Bulk import and export using custom CSV files allows you to migrate data between stores. StoreRobo also allows you to schedule import and export actions by setting intervals for them. 

StoreRobo facilitates transitioning from WooCommerce to Shopify by supporting bulk CSV imports and API connections to bring over products, customers, orders, and discounts. Store owners can also export products to the Google Shopping feed to easily integrate with Google Merchant Center. StoreRobo ensures that the export files include all necessary metadata and related information, supporting both simple and variable products.

If you prefer using FTP or SFTP, the app provides great support, letting you add multiple FTP accounts for data migration. You can also import data from public URLs like Google Sheets with ease.

Top feature: This import-export app from WebToffee lets you schedule the data migration process later. 

SF Product Recommendations

StoreFrog Product Recommendations app uses algorithms to offer personalized product recommendations tailored to each visitor’s behavior and preferences. Store owners can decide on strategies like upselling and cross-selling, and then set up rules and filters for recommendations to manage what products are shown to which customers.

With automated recommendations, you can ensure that customers see relevant products without any manual configuration. This saves time and helps customers easily find what they’re looking for.

The app integrates into various store pages and showcases related products, best sellers, recently viewed items, and new arrivals. Presenting the right products at the right time encourages customers to explore more. 

StoreFrog’s analytics measures the effectiveness of their recommendation strategies and offers insights into what works best for your audience. You can also customize recommendation widgets with regards to text and color to layout and font to best align with the branding.

Top feature: This Shopify recommendations app has advanced recommendation filters allowing store owners to customize which products must be displayed in the recommendation widget.

Judge.me Product Reviews App

Genuine reviews and testimonials are a great way to drive sales in eCommerce. But, collecting them from customers can prove cumbersome for the average store owner. This is where Judge.me comes in. The app automates and customizes review requests through multiple channels, including web, email, push notifications, and SMS. 

You can engage with reviewers by replying directly to their reviews and rewarding them with coupons. This encourages more feedback from customers while fostering stronger connections.

Judge.me supports unlimited review requests and includes free photos and videos in reviews for all users. Once generated, social proof can be promoted for increasing conversions. 

With Judge.me, reviews can be shared on social media and you can also enhance SEO through rich snippets and Google Shopping. The option to create a carousel of featured reviews, with six different themes to choose from, allows for easy integration of reviews into any store design.

Top feature: You can automate review requests across various channels. It also includes an in-email review feature allowing customers to share their feedback directly within the email. 

Privy–Popups, Emails and SMS

Privy automates marketing efforts and boosts conversions through popups, email and SMS. From email signup popups and abandoned cart emails to welcome messages and purchase thank-yous, the features of this app help in timely communication.

The app simplifies the creation of email newsletters with a drag-and-drop email editor and pre-built templates. You can also integrate products from your Shopify catalog directly into your emails.

Top feature: With Privy, you can utilize the power of SMS to send reminders after sign-up and cart abandonment. This helps you retain and better engage customers. 

PageFly Landing Page Builder

The PageFly Landing Page Builder helps users design their Shopify store with templates for a variety of pages and sections therein, all the while optimizing them for SEO. The drag-and-drop editor allows you to easily create your dream store. 

Templates include those for landing pages, home pages, product pages, collections, blog posts, FAQs, etc. The app also allows the integration of conversion-focused elements like countdowns, sales banners, cross-selling widgets, and color swatches to improve customer engagement. 

Responsive design ensures your store works great regardless of the device, with added customization options for each screen size. The tool is compatible with all Shopify themes. This enables in easy addition of sections without affecting the existing structure. It also integrates with other apps.

Top feature: PageFly simplifies customization with the no-code approach—making it accessible to all.

SearchPie SEO & Speed optimize

SearchPie SEO & Speed Optimize focuses on enhancing search rankings which results in more traffic and sales. When you integrate this comprehensive SEO solution into your Shopify store, your store will be sure to attract the attention it deserves.

Some features include identifying ideal keywords through Keyword Explore, generating optimized meta tags using AI, maintaining high image quality and decreasing the page load times. This optimization also extends to URLs, AMP, and Schema. A dedicated team of SEO experts supports you in resolving any issues promptly and maintaining smooth operations.

Daily reports highlight SEO issues, offering clear instructions for fixes. This saves time with one-click solutions for meta tags, alt tags, and images. 

SearchPie provides an effective approach to improving SEO and page speed, making it an invaluable tool for store owners aiming for higher rankings and visibility.

Top feature: SearchPie addresses page speed with AMP and image compression, enhancing both desktop and mobile experiences. This improved performance helps retain customers, contributing to higher retention rates.

Order Printer Pro: Invoice App

Order Printer Pro is a great solution for handling all your store’s documentation. From branded invoices and packing slips to returns forms and receipts, the app streamlines the process with automated printing and delivery. 

You can add your brand’s logo and colors to professional templates for a quick setup, or fully customize them using code.

For efficient order management, the app supports bulk printing and exporting of draft orders. The automatic inclusion of a PDF link to the invoice in the order email helps improve order fulfillment. It also supports multiple languages and currencies.

The app’s flexible features also accommodate various order types. Moreover, you can send PDF quotes, include “pay now” links, generate necessary documents, and easily handle translations and tax information. 

Top feature: This Shopify app allows to add a “pay now’ link in the PDF documents. This feature speeds up the payment process.


In summary, the right Shopify apps can transform your online store into a high-performing eCommerce platform. Such tools are integral for smoothening the store’s operations and driving sales growth. With solutions that cover everything from marketing and customer service to inventory management and fulfillment, Shopify apps offer the flexibility to scale with your business needs.

Investing in these apps is crucial for creating a competitive Shopify store.

Drop a comment if you found this blog insightful, and keep checking this space for more updates.

Featured image by freepik

The post 7 Best Shopify Apps You Will Need for Your Store in 2024 appeared first on noupe.

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Callbacks on Web Components?

August 22nd, 2024 No comments

A gem from Chris Ferdinandi that details how to use custom events to hook into Web Components. More importantly, Chris dutifully explains why custom events are a better fit than, say, callback functions.

With a typical JavaScript library, you pass callbacks in as part of the instantiate process. […] Because Web Components self-instantiate, though, there’s no easy way to do that.

There’s a way to use callback functions, just not an “easy” way to go about it.

JavaScript provides developers with a way to emit custom events that developers can listen for with the Element.addEventListener() method.

We can use custom events to let developers hook into the code that we write and run more code in response to when things happen. They provide a really flexible way to extend the functionality of a library or code base.

Don’t miss the nugget about canceling custom events!

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6 Tips for Conducting Effective Market Research for Small Businesses

August 22nd, 2024 No comments

If you have a small business or want to start one, conducting marketing research is vital to making informed business decisions. It’s a critical process that involves taking the time to understand your market, customers, and competitors to ensure your business is successful. Let’s take a closer look at how market research can help you make better business plans, develop products, and beat out the competition.

What is Market Research for Small Businesses?

There are two main types of market research strategies:

  • Quantitative Research: This research style involves collecting measurable data in the form of numbers, survey responses, and similar statistics. Quantitative data offers the ability to objectively analyze the information collected.
  • Qualitative Research: In comparison, this style of research is based on more subjective data gathered in focus groups, interviews, and social media interactions with customers. 

Ideally, you should conduct both quantitative and qualitative research for your small business to get a complete understanding of your customer’s needs and the overall market.

Why Small Businesses Need to Conduct Market Research

Small business owners can greatly benefit from proper market research in a variety of ways:

  • Reducing your risk: Investing in your business can be risky, whether it’s developing expensive new products or expanding your staff. By completing research and learning more about your customers and competitors, you can reduce your overall risk and make more informed decisions.
  • Identify trends: The marketplace is constantly changing, and it’s a good idea to know what types of products or services your customers are looking for today. If you know about current and upcoming trends, you can adjust accordingly.
  • Test product viability: Part of conducting market research involves reaching out to your customers to see what they think. If you have a new product or service idea, market research can help you decide if it’s worthwhile.
  • Tailor marketing: Completing market research can give you information about what media sources your target audience consumes so you can choose where to advertise in the future.
  • Get funding: If you plan on seeking outside investments in the future, conducting market research is a must. It’s far easier to make your case to investors with hard data rather than hunches or speculation. 

6 Tips for Conducting Effective Market Research for Small Businesses

It’s not enough just to do market research. To find the best insights, it’s critical to do it correctly.

Define Your Goals

Before you decide to start, take the time to clearly spell out your goals. This includes writing down the questions you want answered when you’ve gathered all your data, which can help streamline the process and give you direction.

Some examples include:

  • Who are my customers?
  • What is my target demographic?
  • How large is my market?
  • How much are my customers willing to spend?
  • What do my customers need and want?
  • Who are my biggest competitors?
  • What types of data collection methods will give me these answers?

Create a Budget

Market research can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you want to have focus groups or conduct extensive studies. However, there are also affordable options, like asking for opinions on free websites such as Quora or Reddit. If you have an email list, a Facebook group, or an Instagram community, you can send out surveys or ask for feedback.

Regardless of the path you take, it’s essential to create a budget ahead of time. Market research is supposed to help you give insight into your customers, not create bad spending habits that might prevent you from hiring key staff or developing new products.

Identify Your Target Customer

Finding out data about your target customer is important. Once you learn things such as how old they are, where they live, and the types of products and services they need, create a buyer persona.

This means creating a detailed profile of your ideal customer. You can even give them a name, hobbies, specific pain points, and an age. After all, millennial marketing will be different from marketing to Gen Z. 

Use this persona whenever you think about building something to help your customers. You can use one (or several) buyer personas and ask yourself if you think it’d be a good fit for them. Even better, look for opportunities to find your customer’s unmet needs so you can develop ways to help them.

Research Your Competition

Researching your competition is an excellent way to determine what works with customers. There are likely companies with products and services similar to yours. Once you identify them, do what’s called a SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Look at your competition’s social media profiles, their marketing tactics, how they price their products or services, and their reviews. Use this information to see how you can better serve your customers, whether it’s with more competitive pricing, better customer service, or something else.

Collect Several Types of Data

When you’re completing your research, gather several types of data using multiple data collection methods. Here are some examples of the types of research you can try: 

  • Primary research: Send out surveys and questionnaires to potential customers or your email list. Keep your results in a spreadsheet. If you’re unsure how to use spreadsheets, this is a great time to learn Excel.
  • Secondary research: Look at existing data like academic studies, reports, and online resources. There’s no reason to reinvent the wheel if someone else has already published hard data that can help you.
  • Online tools: Install analytics-tracking software, create social media profiles, and conduct keyword research.
  • Focus groups: If your budget allows it, set up focus groups to help give you feedback on your products or services.
  • Customer feedback: If you already have customers, make sure you solicit their feedback so you have real-time reactions to their experience with your business.

Regularly Update Your Research

Last but not least, regularly update your data. The market changes rapidly, and there are a variety of factors that can impact a business’s success. Once you take the time to conduct market research, make it a point to refresh it periodically. Look to see which products or services are performing best, and regularly read through customer feedback to see where you can improve.

Although running a small business can be challenging, being open to new ideas and staying on top of your industry can go a long way in ensuring you can keep growing your business for many years to come.

Featured Image by Arlington Research on Unsplash

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