
Posts Tagged ‘vizeddit’

Vizeddit: Visualization of Reddit

March 24th, 2009 No comments

Yvo Schaap has created a reasonably interesting real-time front-end to Reddit data over at It’s actually a really cool visualization of how Reddit’s stories change over time, with “yellow-fade” indications when new comments and votes and registered. Super-nice.


(The screenshot doesn’t do it justice; go check it out.)

But that’s only half the story. They’ve got a much-better-named service called “Vizeddit” that displays the same data with much richer graphics and animations:


Once again, you really need to go see it. The numbers along the bottom represent stories, and they grow and swap places over time, new ones are inserted, and so forth. You see the votes drop down in real-time, and new comments float in as well.